Simple easy to follow instructions from a nice new site I came across. Will be added to the Farm, Food, and Harvest.

You will notice this recipe does not have a liquid component...if you fear burning or just do so desire,  you may add 1/2-1 cup water or juice. It will cook off and still become thick but without the fear of scorching at first. 

Another option is to mix all ingredients together and let sit, the sugar will draw out juices from the rhubarb and give you some liquid to ease cooking. This is handy also if you do not have time to do the whole process, or get interrupted you can get it ready than come back and finish with the cooking portion later...it will be fine sitting over night even.

If you add liquid it will take longer but I find this is good and it ensures that you do not get an over cooked flavor. 

I add a juice concentrate (frozen) that is high in pectin naturally to mine.

Instead of adding prepared juice I often use 2tbl of the frozen concentrate then 1 cup of water(for this size recipe)...you want the juice strong, NOT like you would drink it....I do at least. This also makes things a little easier. If all you have is prepared OJ, by all means give it a shot, it will work great, just wont have as much natural pectin in the same amount. 

Happy Jamming! :)

If you are interested in having a natural cooking evening and/or tea party please give me a call @ 740-0033 or email [email protected]!

this jam would go great with tea!!!


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