·       WATER WATER WATER (not purified)

·       TEA TEA TEA

·       NO white sugar or white flower

·       Try to reduce or eliminate contact with toxins…this includes processed foods, artificial ingredients, toxins in hygiene and cleaning products, and from your environment.

I know changes can take some time and may not be accepted well by everyone….start slow if you need to and do the easiest things first; replace what you can make yourself or what has a natural alternative available (natural versions of things are growing in popularity but be careful as the FDA provides loop holes for the term “organic” and “natural”)

 Try to balance  not good items with super good items (for example if you cant get off the oreos be sure you drink extra water and eat extra antioxidants and perhaps drink a good green or detoxifying tea).

If you aren’t ready……implement these things when you need to boost immune system, fight a bug, or are just plain feeling off.

Wishing you wellness…-Tif


·         Essential oils of oregano, lemon, thyme, and doterra’s On Guard….on the bottoms of feet, diffused in the air, and in food (not On Guard).

·         Lemon, orange, and ginger water….make it for your tea and get a double dose of goodness

·         Honey in tea

·         Teas with licorice, ginger, clove, etc….think holiday spices

·         Make a salve with Garlic onion and olive oil and rub on chest or feet.

·         Cook with GARLIC, ONION, AND HERBS (oregano, thyme, rosemary, etc.)

·         THROAT and Respiratory- star anise and licorice in tea…Traditional Medicines Throat Care

·         Echinacea – available in tea and tablets, best is liquid drops

·         Zinc Tablets – available with Echinacea in them J

·         Ginger tablets

·         Mint in anything….must be actual mint (peppermint is best)


·         Homeopathic “sinus” formula (available at Freds and Safway for just a few bucks)

·         Essential Oils: eucalyptus, tea tree (melaluca), peppermint (if you cannot tolerate these use a strong citrus or tree oil like pine, they will not work as for decongesting and breathing though)

-      Place 1-4 drops in a steam bowl and inhale for as long as possible

-      Place 1-4 drops in a bowl with at least a few cups of water, get hot then soak wash rag with it and lay over face or on chest avoiding open eyes.

-      Diffuse into the air

-      Put in a cup of hot water and inhale (do not drink)

-      Put a drop on the sheet under your pillow (you do not want to get into eyes)

·         Tifs Sinus Mixer – rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus in gradeseed oil rubbed on sinuses when needed or inhaled out of bottle

*be cautious with children and the strong oils…lavender can be used if they are very young or sensitive to the oils. I also recommend diffusing them into the air before placing them on their little bodies, this can be done just with a bowl of water on the stove if that is all you have. If placing them on a kiddo, moisturize their skin with olive oil first to prepare the skin and use the wash rag method first.


·         Heat for ear pain, and infections

·         Warm olive oil drops into the ear - done like any other drops, warm to body temperature by places near warm part of body…DO NOT HEAT! Garlic olive oil is even better and can be made at home or purchased in the natural foods section at the store. USE PURE VIRGIN OLIVE OIL ONLY

·         Essential Oil Earplug – put 1tsp body temp olive oil in a shallow small dish like a measuring cup add: 3 drops tea tree or eucalyptus, 1 drop marjoram or thyme, 2 drops lavender, swirl to mix then absorb with cotton balls and place in ear….this does enough for both ears, squeeze out excess oil.

*for young children or infants use only the olive oil and lavender or just olive oil….this could also be done with the garlic oil but I have not tried that.

Leave them in as long as you like and repeat as needed.


·         limit animal products

·         potassium and magnesium

·         swimming

·         yoga and tai chi

·         homeopathic  called “Sciatica”

·         “Muscle Relax” by Oregon’s Wild Harvest (skullcap, valerian, hops)

·         Essential oils – “deep blue” “breathe” , lavender, peppermint, cypress, rosemary(with caution), marjoram…..dilute  for massage oil or apply neat to target point.

For additional remedies, information, and encouragement towards wellness go to by website and Blog at…

or artistinhiding on pinterest

I can make personalized mixtures and remedies as well as sell several products & ingredients including DoTerra Essential Oils and Mountain Rose Herbs

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