MAKING GARLIN ONION HERB SOUP......very strong,, and just cutting everything helped. I added oregano essential oil (a natural ick killer) and rosemary essential oil; they are very concentrated so I will get a lot of bang into my system that way. Did about 6 cloves of garlic, and as always ORGANIC ONIONS!!! Organic onions are way stronger and unless you feel like eating 4x what you need to then get them organic, you can tell the difference. 

SOUP FOR THE KIDS????? figured she wouldn't eat the soup as is so before I added the potatoes I took some of the sweated softened veges out and mixed them in with spaghetti sauce for her. she will get all the same goodness but with added tomatoes...can't beat that right!? to meals out of one so I won't get sick of soup now. Just the smell of everything cooking is helping!!!

TEA TEA TEA!?!? DRINK TEA! BEST IS STUFF THAT IS SPICY...think HOLIDAY SPICES and that will help make it easy. Also LEMON AND GINGER. 

MAKE TINCTURES (think I am using that right) What I made was GINGER LEMON HONEY.  Take lemon slices or a drop of essential oil and put it with water in a pot. I do use a 2qt saucepan, fill it half full with water, add half lemon (more as you add water since can just keeping adding after you pour a cup) and I didnt have fresh ginger so I did 1-2tsp of the jarred spice ( I do have it now and will comment how much I use, thinking about the same). Heat it like you would tea water (just before boiling) them turn if off and add as much honey as you like, at lease a couple tbls. Put a lid on a let is smolder. Then pour and drink. through a tea bag in your cup and double the goodness!!

Just tried this earlier, a couple drops is all. one ear at a time like you would any drop, lay for as long as you can and massage from your ear down over your lymph nodes to help drainage. Not sure how well it has worked but seems to have relieved it a bit. Going to try GARLIC OLIVE OIL nest as a friend recommended (if you are sacred to make it I was told you can buy it in the natural med. section)

Think thats all I have the energy to remember right now. 

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